Emily S. Blackman

"Worried about her upcoming breast cancer mastectomy surgery, my client was struggling to hold in her emotions during her first massage.  Through my gentle words and touch, my client was able to release a lot of her fear and left the session much stronger to face that pending day."

"Thanks for calling, Emily; I really appreciate it!"  

"You're welcome.  I'm glad to hear that my massage and lymph drainage work yesterday alleviated your headache and that it hasn't come back.  I can't believe you suffered with that for over a week!"

"I wish I would've come in sooner, but I'll know better in the future."

"Well, I think you're on the right track by scheduling another session in two weeks.  I think we'll be able to go on a maintenance plan after that.  Also, if you get a chance, check out that book I recommended.  I've found it very helpful myself."

"I'll look for it at the library.  I wish I could come in every week; you have such a nurturing touch.  And I really liked that you were quiet during my session except for when you checked to see how I was doing."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it and that it helped you.  Call me if you have any questions or concerns.  I'm here for you."

© Copyright 2024 Emily S. Blackman. All rights reserved.